PUBG 绝地求生 吃鸡大跳宏 autohotkey
; Assist for PUBG based on Wampa v2.7 and FxOxAxD's work ; mgsweet's edition. ;--------------------------------------- ; Script Settings ;--------------------------------------- #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. #SingleInstance force ; Forces the script to only Run one at a time. SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; Sets mode for IfWinActive window. #IfWinActive, PLAYERunKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS ; Ensures Autofire only works in PUBG. ;--------------------------------------- ; Crouch Jumping ;--------------------------------------- *$space:: Random,delay,450,525 SendInput, {Space Down}{c down} Sleep, %delay% SendInput, {c up} SendInput, {Space} ; To fix keep crouching. SendInput, {Space down} ; To fix swim bug. KeyWait, Space SendInput, {Space up} return