#SingleInstance Force
SetBatchLines -1
;vars = 01 03 00 00 00 00 11 22
;msgbox % StrReplace(RegExReplace(vars, "(\d+)", "0x$1"), A_Space, ",")
; 尝试连接串行端口
RS232_Port := "COM1"
RS232_Baud := 9600
RS232_Parity := "N"
RS232_Data := 8
RS232_Stop := 1
RS232_Settings = %RS232_Port%:baud=%RS232_Baud% parity=%RS232_Parity% data=%RS232_Data% stop=%RS232_Stop% dtr=Off
RS232_FileHandle:= RS232_Initialize(RS232_Settings)
; 双击 - 开关流光溢彩
var := "0xA0,0x01,0x03,0xA4"
Sleep 100
var := "0xA0,0x01,0x02,0xA3"
Sleep 100
var := "0xA0,0x01,0x03,0xA4"
Sleep 100
var := "0xA0,0x01,0x02,0xA3"
; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=76&t=70364
; https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/26231-serial-com-port-console-script/
; https://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/64696-some-code-arduinoahk-beta-01/
;################### Serial_Port_Console_ReadFile.ahk ###################
; 8/11/09
; Assembled, tested (on WinXP), and debugged by aobrien with help from
; other AHK forum members (especially Lexikos) and threads.
; This script is based upon dll structures that are built into the
; Microsoft Windows environment. This script is ugly (not very readable),
; because, it was written for demonstration purposes and I didn't want
; to complicate things by using #Include files.
; The most useful subroutines are listed below. Take them and write your
; application around them.
; RS232_FileHandle:= RS232_Initialize(RS232_Settings) -- Get the filehandle
; RS232_Close(RS232_FileHandle)
; RS232_Read(RS232_FileHandle,"0xFF",RS232_Bytes_Received) -- 0xFF Size of receive buffer. This
; returns HEX data (in ASCII form) received from the serial port.
; Example: Read_Data := RS232_Read(RS232_FileHandle,"0xFF",RS232_Bytes_Received) ;if the RX buffer
; contained 0x11, 0x22, 0x00, 0x33, 0x44 then Read_Data will contain 1122003344
; RS232_Write(RS232_FileHandle,Hex_Data) -- Comma delimited hex data. If I wanted to
; send "Hello World" I would do the following:
; ;ASCII DATA= H e l l o SP W o r l d
; Hex_Data = 0x48,0x65,0x6C,0x6C,0x6F,0x20,0x57,0x6F,0x72,0x6C,0x64
; RS232_Write(RS232_FileHandle,Hex_Data)
; Instructions:
; 1) Modify the RS232 port settings (under the User Variables heading)
; to your needs and save the file.
; 2) Launch this script to connect to the RS232 COM Port.
; 3) CTRL-F1 to close the RS232 COM port and exit the receive loop.
; Script Behavior/Notes:
; * The script is designed to use a text editor (Notepad) to place the
; received RS232 COM port characters.
; * When you attempt to type into the designated text editor the script
; will capture the character and send it out the RS232 COM port. This is
; accomplished with the Hotkey Assignments section.
; * Currently the script is written to only send/receive ASCII characters,
; however, it would be REALLY EASY to modify the script so that it
; will output/input data - something that HyperTerminal can't do.
; * When you first launch the script it will open Notepad and save it
; using the Console_Path variable and a predetermined file name.
; !!!The Notepad text file MUST be saved so that the words
; "COM1_Console.txt - Notepad" appear as the window
; title, because the script will want to change to the window with
; that name when it receives a character on the RS232 COM port.
MsgBox, Begin RS232 COM Test
#SingleInstance Force
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
;###### User Variables ##################################################
RS232_Port := "COM11"
RS232_Baud := "57600"
RS232_Parity = N
RS232_Data = 8
RS232_Stop = 1
Console_Path = C:\Users\Colt\Desktop
;###### Script Variables ################################################
RS232_Settings = %RS232_Port%:baud=%RS232_Baud% parity=%RS232_Parity% data=%RS232_Data% stop=%RS232_Stop% dtr=Off
Console_File_Name= %RS232_Port%_Console.txt
Console_Title = %Console_File_Name% - Notepad
RS232_FileHandle := RS232_Initialize(RS232_Settings)
;###### Notepad Console Check ###########################################
;Check for console, if there isn't already one, then open it.
;###### Hotkey Assignments - Used for Serial Port Transmit ##############
;If the Console window is the focus then typing any character on the
; keyboard will cause the script to send the character out the RS232 COM port.
;###### Serial Port Receive #############################################
;Quit_var is used to exit the RS232 COM port receive loop
; 0=Don't Exit; 1=Exit; CTRL-F1 to set to 1 and exit script.
;Quit_var = 0
;RS232 COM port receive loop
sleep 200
;0xFF in the line below sets the size of the read buffer.
Read_Data := RS232_Read(RS232_FileHandle,"0xFF",RS232_Bytes_Received)
;MsgBox,RS232_FileHandle=%RS232_FileHandle% `n RS232_Bytes_Received=%RS232_Bytes_Received% `n Read_Data=%Read_Data% ; Variable that is set by RS232_Read()
;Process the data, if there is any.
If (RS232_Bytes_Received > 0)
;MsgBox, Read_Data=%Read_Data%
;Prevent interruption during execution of this loop.
Critical, On
;If care is taken, you can comment out these WinActive lines for performance gains.
;IfWinNotActive, %Console_Title%, , WinActivate, %Console_Title%,
; WinWaitActive, %Console_Title%,
;7/23/08 Modified this IF statement because RS232_Read() now returns data instead of ASCII
;Set to 0 if you want to see the hex data as received by the serial port.
IF (1)
;Begin Data to ASCII conversion
Read_Data_Num_Bytes := StrLen(Read_Data) / 2 ;RS232_Read() returns 2 characters for each byte
Loop %Read_Data_Num_Bytes%
StringLeft, Byte, Read_Data, 2
StringTrimLeft, Read_Data, Read_Data, 2
Byte = 0x%Byte%
;msgbox %Byte%
Byte := Byte + 0 ;Convert to Decimal
if(Byte == 32)
;msgbox hi
ASCII_Chr := "{SPACE}"
ASCII_Chr := Chr(Byte)
Send, ^{END}
Send, %ASCII%
;End Data to ASCII conversion
Else ;Send the data that was received by the RS232 COM port-ASCII format
Send, ^{END}%Read_Data%
Critical, Off
;CTRL-F1 sets Quit_var=1
if Quit_var = 1
MsgBox, AHK is now disconnected from %RS232_Port%
;ExitApp ;Exit Script
;###### Serial Port Transmit ############################################
;###### Normal Key Presses ######
data := "m.f6000"
loop parse,data
var := Asc(SubStr(A_LoopField,0)) ;Get the key that was pressed and convert it to its ASCII code
msgbox %var%
RS232_Write(RS232_FileHandle,var) ;Send it out the RS232 COM port
RS232_Write(RS232_FileHandle,13) ;Send it out the RS232 COM port
;###### Shift Key Presses ######
var := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,0) ;Get the key that was pressed.
StringUpper, var, var ;Convert it to uppercase
var := Asc(var) ;Get the ASCII equivalent
RS232_Write(RS232_FileHandle,var) ;Send it out the RS232 COM port
;###### Initialize RS232 COM Subroutine #################################
;###### Extract/Format the RS232 COM Port Number ######
;7/23/08 Thanks krisky68 for finding/solving the bug in which RS232 COM Ports greater than 9 didn't work.
StringSplit, RS232_Temp, RS232_Settings, `:
RS232_Temp1_Len := StrLen(RS232_Temp1) ;For COM Ports > 9 \\.\ needs to prepended to the COM Port name.
If (RS232_Temp1_Len > 4) ;So the valid names are
RS232_COM = \\.\%RS232_Temp1% ; ... COM8 COM9 \\.\COM10 \\.\COM11 \\.\COM12 and so on...
Else ;
RS232_COM = \\.\%RS232_Temp1%
;8/10/09 A BIG Thanks to trenton_xavier for figuring out how to make COM Ports greater than 9 work for USB-Serial Dongles.
StringTrimLeft, RS232_Settings, RS232_Settings, RS232_Temp1_Len+1 ;Remove the COM number (+1 for the semicolon) for BuildCommDCB.
;MsgBox, RS232_COM=%RS232_COM% `nRS232_Settings=%RS232_Settings%
;###### Build RS232 COM DCB ######
;Creates the structure that contains the RS232 COM Port number, baud rate,...
VarSetCapacity(DCB, 28)
BCD_Result := DllCall("BuildCommDCB"
,"str" , RS232_Settings ;lpDef
,"UInt", &DCB) ;lpDCB
If (BCD_Result <> 1)
; MsgBox, There is a problem with Serial Port communication. `nFailed Dll BuildCommDCB, BCD_Result=%BCD_Result%.
Return %RS232_FileHandle%
;###### Create RS232 COM File ######
;Creates the RS232 COM Port File Handle
RS232_FileHandle := DllCall("CreateFile"
,"Str" , RS232_COM ;File Name
,"UInt", 0xC0000000 ;Desired Access
,"UInt", 3 ;Safe Mode
,"UInt", 0 ;Security Attributes
,"UInt", 3 ;Creation Disposition
,"UInt", 0 ;Flags And Attributes
,"UInt", 0 ;Template File
,"Cdecl Int")
If (RS232_FileHandle < 1)
;MsgBox, There is a problem with Serial Port communication. `nFailed Dll CreateFile, RS232_FileHandle=%RS232_FileHandle% `nThe Script Will Now Exit.
Return %RS232_FileHandle%
;###### Set COM State ######
;Sets the RS232 COM Port number, baud rate,...
SCS_Result := DllCall("SetCommState"
,"UInt", RS232_FileHandle ;File Handle
,"UInt", &DCB) ;Pointer to DCB structure
If (SCS_Result <> 1)
;MsgBox, There is a problem with Serial Port communication. `nFailed Dll SetCommState, SCS_Result=%SCS_Result% `nThe Script Will Now Exit.
;###### Create the SetCommTimeouts Structure ######
ReadIntervalTimeout = 0xffffffff
ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0x00000000
ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0x00000000
WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier= 0x00000000
WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 0x00000000
VarSetCapacity(Data, 20, 0) ; 5 * sizeof(DWORD)
NumPut(ReadIntervalTimeout, Data, 0, "UInt")
NumPut(ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier, Data, 4, "UInt")
NumPut(ReadTotalTimeoutConstant, Data, 8, "UInt")
NumPut(WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier, Data, 12, "UInt")
NumPut(WriteTotalTimeoutConstant, Data, 16, "UInt")
;###### Set the RS232 COM Timeouts ######
SCT_result := DllCall("SetCommTimeouts"
,"UInt", RS232_FileHandle ;File Handle
,"UInt", &Data) ;Pointer to the data structure
If (SCT_result <> 1)
;MsgBox, There is a problem with Serial Port communication. `nFailed Dll SetCommState, SCT_result=%SCT_result% `nThe Script Will Now Exit.
;Msgbox %RS232_FileHandle%
Return %RS232_FileHandle%
;###### Close RS23 COM Subroutine #######################################
;###### Close the COM File ######
CH_result := DllCall("CloseHandle", "UInt", RS232_FileHandle)
If (CH_result <> 1)
;MsgBox, Failed Dll CloseHandle CH_result=%CH_result%
;###### Write to RS232 COM Subroutines ##################################
SetFormat, Integer, DEC
;Parse the Message. Byte0 is the number of bytes in the array.
StringSplit, Byte, Message, `,
Data_Length := Byte0
;MsgBox, Data_Length=%Data_Length% b1=%Byte1% b2=%Byte2% b3=%Byte3% b4=%Byte4%
;Set the Data buffer size, prefill with 0xFF.
VarSetCapacity(Data, Byte0, 0xFF)
;Write the Message into the Data buffer
Loop %Byte0%
NumPut(Byte%i%, Data, (i-1) , "UChar")
;MsgBox, %i%
;MsgBox, Data string=%Data%
;###### Write the data to the RS232 COM Port ######
WF_Result := DllCall("WriteFile"
,"UInt" , RS232_FileHandle ;File Handle
,"UInt" , &Data ;Pointer to string to send
,"UInt" , Data_Length ;Data Length
,"UInt*", Bytes_Sent ;Returns pointer to num bytes sent
,"Int" , "NULL")
If (WF_Result <> 1 or Bytes_Sent <> Data_Length)
MsgBox, Failed Dll WriteFile to RS232 COM, result=%WF_Result% `nData Length=%Data_Length% `nBytes_Sent=%Bytes_Sent%
;###### Read from RS232 COM Subroutines #################################
RS232_Read(RS232_FileHandle,Num_Bytes,ByRef RS232_Bytes_Received)
SetFormat, Integer, HEX
;Set the Data buffer size, prefill with 0x55 = ASCII character "U"
;VarSetCapacity won't assign anything less than 3 bytes. Meaning: If you
; tell it you want 1 or 2 byte size variable it will give you 3.
Data_Length := VarSetCapacity(Data, Num_Bytes, 0x55)
;MsgBox, Data_Length=%Data_Length%
;###### Read the data from the RS232 COM Port ######
;MsgBox, RS232_FileHandle=%RS232_FileHandle% `nNum_Bytes=%Num_Bytes%
Read_Result := DllCall("ReadFile"
,"UInt" , RS232_FileHandle ; hFile
,"Str" , Data ; lpBuffer
,"Int" , Num_Bytes ; nNumberOfBytesToRead
,"UInt*", RS232_Bytes_Received ; lpNumberOfBytesReceived
,"Int" , 0) ; lpOverlapped
;MsgBox, RS232_FileHandle=%RS232_FileHandle% `nRead_Result=%Read_Result% `nBR=%RS232_Bytes_Received% ,`nData=%Data%
If (Read_Result <> 1)
; MsgBox, There is a problem with Serial Port communication. `nFailed Dll ReadFile on RS232 COM, result=%Read_Result% - The Script Will Now Exit.
;###### Format the received data ######
;This loop is necessary because AHK doesn't handle NULL (0x00) characters very nicely.
;Quote from AHK documentation under DllCall:
; "Any binary zero stored in a variable by a function will hide all data to the right
; of the zero; that is, such data cannot be accessed or changed by most commands and
; functions. However, such data can be manipulated by the address and dereference operators
; (& and *), as well as DllCall itself."
i = 0
Data_HEX =
Loop %RS232_Bytes_Received%
;First byte into the Rx FIFO ends up at position 0
Data_HEX_Temp := NumGet(Data, i, "UChar") ;Convert to HEX byte-by-byte
StringTrimLeft, Data_HEX_Temp, Data_HEX_Temp, 2 ;Remove the 0x (added by the above line) from the front
;If there is only 1 character then add the leading "0'
Length := StrLen(Data_HEX_Temp)
If (Length =1)
Data_HEX_Temp = 0%Data_HEX_Temp%
;Put it all together
Data_HEX := Data_HEX . Data_HEX_Temp
;MsgBox, Read_Result=%Read_Result% `nRS232_Bytes_Received=%RS232_Bytes_Received% ,`nData_HEX=%Data_HEX%
SetFormat, Integer, DEC
Data := Data_HEX
Return Data
;###### Exit Console Receive Loop #######################################
Quit_var = 1