;General Window Settings Gui, Font, s11 w700 Gui, -Caption +E0x200 +ToolWindow TransColor = D4D1C8 Gui, Color, %TransColor% ; This color will be made transparent later below. bgColor = White ; Background color ;Button number, as found using the number pad Seven = x10 y10 w100 h100 cWhite Eight = x120 y10 w100 h100 cBlue Nine = x230 y10 w100 h100 cRed Four = x10 y120 w100 h100 c6698cb Five = x120 y120 w100 h100 cFFC128 Six = x230 y120 w100 h100 c90D8EF One = x10 y230 w100 h100 cf7f7e8 Two = x120 y230 w100 h100 c99cc99 Three = x230 y230 w100 h100 ceeee22 Gui, Add, Button, %Seven%, 破解 Gui, Add, Button, %Eight%, 教程 Gui, Add, Button, %Nine%, 关闭 Gui, Add, Button, %Four%, 研究 Gui, Add, Button, %Five%, 课题 Gui, Add, Button, %Six%, 自动化 Gui, Add, Button, %One%, 美女 Gui, Add, Button, %Two%, 杂项 Gui, Add, Button, %Three%, 广告 Gui, Show, x400 y400 h340 w340 WinGet, k_ID, ID, A ; Get its window ID. WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, ahk_id %k_ID% WinSet, TransColor, %TransColor% 170, ahk_id %k_ID% Gui, 2:-Caption +E0x200 +ToolWindow Gui, 2:Color, %bgColor% ; Set background color here Gui, 2:Add, Progress, %Seven%, 100 Gui, 2:Add, Progress, %Eight%, 100 Gui, 2:Add, Progress, %Nine%, 100 Gui, 2:Add, Progress, %Four%, 100 Gui, 2:Add, Progress, %Five%, 100 Gui, 2:Add, Progress, %Six%, 100 Gui, 2:Add, Progress, %One%, 100 Gui, 2:Add, Progress, %Two%, 100 Gui, 2:Add, Progress, %Three%, 100 Gui, 2:Show, x400 y400 h340 w340 Return Button关闭: ExitApp Button自动化: Run, http://www.autohotkey.com/ ExitApp Button课题: Run, http://www.yahoo.com/ ExitApp Button研究: MsgBox , 插入您的代码 ExitApp Button教程: Run, http://blog.csdn.net/menghuanruanjian/article/details/52742231 ExitApp Button破解: Run, http://www.drudgereport.com ExitApp Button广告: Run, mmc %systemroot%\system32\dsa.msc WinWait, Active Directory Users and Computers, Active Directory Use GoSub, LastFoundWindow Send, {ALTDOWN}ai{ALTUP} WinWait, Find Users`, Contacts`, and Groups, Select the storage f GoSub, LastFoundWindow Send, {SHIFTDOWN}{INS}{SHIFTUP}{ENTER} Sleep 100 Send, {SPACE}{ALTDOWN}f{ALTUP} Sleep 200 Send, r ExitApp LastFoundWindow: ;Duh IfWinNotActive ;automatically uses Last Found Window WinActivate ;automatically uses Last Found Window WinWaitActive ;automatically uses Last Found Window Return StatusWaitDone: ; Used to wwait for a webpage to load before conintue SLEEP 100 AHKID := WinExist("A") Ctr=0 Loop { Sleep, 10 Ctr+=1 ControlGet, Progress, Visible,, msctls_progress321, ahk_id %AHKID% If (Progress=1) { Ctr=0 Continue } If (Progress=0 AND Ctr>10) Break } StatusBarWait, Done, 10 RETURN