;作者:小古 ;20141215 ;TaskDialog函数为just me作品 ;ahk版本: #NoTrayIcon #SingleInstance force SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% SetBatchLines -1 ListLines Off Menu, HelpMenu, Add, QQ群:3222783, MenuHelp Menu, HelpMenu, Add, Candy视频教程, CandyHelp Menu, HelpMenu, Add, 关于本生成器, MenuHelp Menu, MyMenuBar, Add, 帮助, :HelpMenu Menu, MyMenuBar, Add, 重新加载, reloadcreator Menu, MyMenuBar, Add,Let's help each other out!,openahkscript Gui, 1:Menu, MyMenuBar Gui, 1:Add, Edit, x110 y30 w340 h70 Multi vmain r3, 主要内容 Gui, 1: Add, Edit, x110 y90 w340 h40 Multi vextra r5, 次要内容 Gui, 1:Add, Edit, x110 y180 w340 h20 -Multi limit15 vtitle, 提示 Gui, 1:Add, Edit, x110 y210 w340 h20 -Multi vwidth +number, 400 Gui, 1: Add, Slider,x110 y240 w310 h20 Range0-20 ReadOnly Right vTimeout gcontroltimeout, 0 Gui, 1:Add, Edit, x420 y242 w30 h20 -Multi limit15 ReadOnly vtimeoutshow, 0.0 Gui, 1:Font, s11 bold cpurple Gui, 1:Add, GroupBox, x470 y20 w290 h125 , 按钮组合 Gui, 1:Font Gui, 1:Add, Radio, x490 y40 w100 h20 vbutton1, Ok Gui, 1:Add, Radio, x490 y64 w100 h20 vbutton2, Yes Gui, 1:Add, Radio, x490 y88 w100 h20 vbutton3 checked, Yes/No Gui, 1:Add, Radio, x490 y112 w130 h20 vbutton4, Cancel/Retry/Close Gui, 1:Add, Radio, x620 y112 w100 h20 vbutton5, All Buttons Gui, 1:Add, Radio, x620 y64 w100 h20 vbutton6, Retry/Cancel Gui, 1:Add, Radio, x620 y88 w100 h20 vbutton7, Retry/Close Gui, 1:Add, Radio,x620 y40 w130 h20 vbutton8, Yes/No/Close Gui, 1:Font Gui, 1: Font, s11 bold cpurple Gui, 1:Add, GroupBox, x470 y150 w290 h200 , 图标与主题 Gui, 1:Font Gui, 1:Font,bold Gui, 1:Add, Radio, x490 y170 w100 h20 vicon1, 警告 Gui, 1:Add, Radio, x490 y198 w100 h20 vicon2, 错误 Gui, 1:Add, Radio, x490 y226 w100 h20 vicon3, 提示 Gui, 1:Add, Radio, x490 y254 w100 h20 vicon4, 守护 Gui, 1:Add, Radio,x490 y282 w100 h20 vicon10, 问号 Gui, 1:Font Gui, 1:Font, cblue bold Gui, 1:Add, Radio, x610 y254 w100 h20 vicon5, 蓝色 Gui, 1:Font, cFF8000 Gui, 1:Add, Radio, x610 y170 w100 h20 vicon6, 黄色 Gui, 1: Font, cred Gui, 1:Add, Radio, x610 y226 w100 h20 vicon7, 红色 Gui, 1:Font, cgreen Gui, 1:Add, Radio, x610 y198w100 h20 vicon8 checked, 绿色 Gui, 1:Font, cgray Gui, 1:Add, Radio, x610 y282 w50 h20 vicon9, 灰色 Gui, 1:Font, cblack Gui, 1:Add, Radio, x490 y314 w72 h20 vicon11 gcustomicon, 自定义: Gui, 1:Font Gui, 1:Add, Edit, x560 y314 w180 h20 -Multi ReadOnly vicon_file_path, Gui, 1:Font, s11 bold Gui, 1:Add, Text, x20 y55 w90 h20, 主要内容: Gui, 1:Add, Text, x20 y120 w90 h20, 次要内容: Gui, 1:Add, Text, x20 y185 w90 h20, 标题文字: Gui, 1:Add, Text, x20 y215 w90 h20 , 窗口宽度: Gui, 1: Add, Text, x20 y245 w90 h20 , 超时秒数: Gui, 1: Font Gui, 1:font,s13 Gui, 1:Add, Edit, x20 y360 w737 h100 vcontent, 结果代码 Gui, 1:font Gui, 1:Add, Button, x240 y280 w100 h50 hwndIcon3 gcommand, 生成(F2) Gui, 1:Add, Button, x10 y280 w110 h50 hwndIcon1 gview, 预览TD(F1) Gui, 1:Add, Button, x130 y280 w100 h50 hwndIcon2 gviewXP, 预览MB Gui, 1:Add, Button, x350 y280 w100 h50 hwndIcon4 gcopycode, 复制(F3) GuiButtonIcon(Icon1, "shell32.dll", 172, "s32 a0 l5") GuiButtonIcon(Icon2, "shell32.dll", 3, "s32 a0 l5") GuiButtonIcon(Icon3, "shell32.dll", 46, "s32 a0 l5") GuiButtonIcon(Icon4, "shell32.dll", 259, "s32 a0 l5") Gui, 1:Add, Text, x270 y480 w700 h30 +disabled, 脚本中使用的TaskDialog函数为just me作品,该函数不支持xp,在xp系统会显示普通的MsgBox。 ; Generated using SmartGuiXP Creator mod Gui, 1:Show, CEnter w780 h500, TaskDialogEx Creator GuiControl, +Default, 生成 return controltimeout: GuiControl, 1:, timeoutshow, % (Timeout = 0 ? 0 : Round(Timeout / 2, 1))*2 return GuiClose: ExitApp f1:: view: Gui, 1:Submit, NoHide gosub transbuttonandicon if icon11 { StringSplit,filepath,icon_file_path,`, HICON := LoadIcon(filepath1, filepath2) MsgBox,262208,提示, % "您点击的是:" TaskDialogEx(main,extra,title,button,hicon,width,-1,timeout) return } MsgBox,262208,提示, % "您点击的是:" TaskDialogEx(main,extra,title,button,icon,width,-1,timeout) return f2:: command: Gui, 1:Submit, NoHide gosub transbuttonandicon ControlSetText,edit7 if icon11 { StringSplit,filepath,icon_file_path,`, HICON= LoadIcon(%filepath1%, %filepath2%) myfunction= myfunction=#Include <TaskDialogEx>`r`nTaskDialogUseMsgBoxOnXP(true)`r`nTaskDialogEx("%main%","%extra%","%title%",%button%,%hicon%,%width%,-1,%timeout%) ;~ msgbox % myfunction GuiControl,1:,content,%myfunction% return } if icon=question icon="question" myfunction= myfunction=#Include <TaskDialogEx>`r`nTaskDialogUseMsgBoxOnXP(true)`r`nTaskDialogEx("%main%","%extra%","%title%",%button%,%icon%,%width%,-1,%timeout%) ;~ msgbox % myfunction GuiControl,1:,content,%myfunction% return f3:: copycode: gosub command clipboard:=myfunction SoundBeep, 750, 100 SoundBeep, 750, 100 return viewXP: Gui, 1:Submit, NoHide gosub transbuttonandicon TaskDialogUseMsgBoxOnXP(true) MsgBox,262208,提示, % "您点击的是:" TaskDialogMsgBox(main,extra,title,button,icon,-1,timeout) return MenuHelp: MsgBox, 262208, 关于TaskDialogEx Creator, ( TaskDialog函数为just me作品,详情参见: http://ahkscript.org/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4635 此生成器由小古编写 AHK版本: AHK_L 操作系统: >= WIN_7 此函数不支持XP系统,若使用TaskDialogUseMsgBoxOnXP(true),在XP系统可显示一个普通的Msgbox。 ) return ;~ customicon: ;~ FileSelectFile, icon_File ,,%SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll, Select an File with icon ;~ If icon_File <> ;~ guicontrol,,icon_file_path,%icon_File%,1 ;~ Else ;~ Return ;~ return openahkscript: Run http://ahkscript.org/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4635 return CandyHelp: Run http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c0Eiz2g return reloadcreator: Reload return customicon: Gui,2:add, text, x10 y10 w400 h20, 查找此文件中的图标: Gui,2:add, edit, x10 y30 w300 h20 -Multi vfile Gui,2:add, button, x325 y30 w80 h20 gselect, 浏览(&B)... Gui,2:add, text, x10 y55 w400 h20, 从以下列表中选择一个图标: Gui,2:Add, ListView, x10 y70 w400 h300 Icon vMyListView gMyListView, id Gui,2:add, Button, x10 y380 w180 h30 Default gok, 确定 Gui,2:add, Button, x230 y380 w180 h30 gcancel, 取消 Gui,2: show, , 选择图标 Gui 2:+LastFound +OwnDialogs ControlClick,button1 return select: FileSelectFile, file, , %SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll, 请选择图标文件, 图标(*.dll;*.ico;*.exe) if file { GuiControl, 2:, file, % file ImageListID := IL_Create(,,1) LV_SetImageList(ImageListID) icon_count := GetIconCount(file) LV_Delete() Loop % icon_count IL_Add(ImageListID, file, A_Index) Loop % icon_count LV_Add("Icon" . A_Index, A_Index) } else Gui, 2:Destroy return cancel: Gui, 2:Destroy return ok: MyListView: icon := {} FocusedRowNumber := LV_GetNext(0, "F") if not FocusedRowNumber { MsgBox, 4144, 提示, 您未选择任何图标! return } LV_GetText(id, FocusedRowNumber, 1) icon["file"] := file icon["id"] := id ; MsgBox, 64, 提示, % "你选择了" """" icon["file"] """" "的第" icon["id"] "个图标" GuiControl,1:,icon_file_path,% icon["file"] "," icon["id"] Gui,2: destroy return GetIconCount(file){ Menu, test, add, test, handle Loop { try { id++ Menu, test, Icon, test, % file, % id } catch error { break } } return id-1 } handle: return transbuttonandicon: button= icon= Loop 8 { if button%a_index%=1 { if A_Index = 1 button = 1 else if A_Index = 2 button = 2 else if A_Index = 3 button = 6 else if A_Index = 4 button = 56 else if A_Index = 5 button = 63 else if A_Index = 6 button = 24 else if A_Index = 7 button = 48 else if A_Index = 8 button = 38 break } } Loop 10 { if icon%a_index%=1 { if a_index=10 icon=question else icon:=a_index break } } return ;========================================================================= ; TaskDialogEx(主文,副文,标题,按钮,图标,宽度,父窗口,超时) TaskDialogEx(Main, Extra := "", Title := "提示:", Buttons := 1, Icon := 8, Width := 600, Parent := -1, TimeOut := 0) { Static TDCB := RegisterCallback("TaskDialogCallback", "Fast") , TDCSize := (4 * 8) + (A_PtrSize * 16) , TDBTNS := {OK: 1, YES: 2, NO: 4, CANCEL: 8, RETRY: 16, CLOSE: 32} , TDF := {HICON_MAIN: 0x0002, ALLOW_CANCEL: 0x0008, CALLBACK_TIMER: 0x0800, SIZE_TO_CONTENT: 0x01000000} , TDICON := {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9 , WARN: 1, ERROR: 2, INFO: 3, SHIELD: 4, BLUE: 5, YELLOW: 6, RED: 7, GREEN: 8, GRAY: 9 , QUESTION: 0} , HQUESTION := DllCall("User32.dll\LoadIcon", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0x7F02, "UPtr") , DBUX := DllCall("User32.dll\GetDialogBaseUnits", "UInt") & 0xFFFF , OffParent := 4 , OffFlags := OffParent + (A_PtrSize * 2) , OffBtns := OffFlags + 4 , OffTitle := OffBtns + 4 , OffIcon := OffTitle + A_PtrSize , OffMain := OffIcon + A_PtrSize , OffExtra := OffMain + A_PtrSize , OffCB := (4 * 7) + (A_PtrSize * 14) , OffCBData := OffCB + A_PtrSize , OffWidth := OffCBData + A_PtrSize ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((DllCall("Kernel32.dll\GetVersion", "UInt") & 0xFF) < 6) { if TaskDialogUseMsgBoxOnXP() return TaskDialogMsgBox(Main, Extra, Title, Buttons, Icon, Parent, Timeout) else { MsgBox, 16, %A_ThisFunc%, You need at least Win Vista / Server 2008 to use %A_ThisFunc%(). ErrorLevel := "You need at least Win Vista / Server 2008 to use " . A_ThisFunc . "()." return 0 } } ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flags := Width = 0 ? TDF.SIZE_TO_CONTENT : 0 if (Title = "") Title := A_ScriptName BTNS := 0 if Buttons Is Integer BTNS := Buttons & 0x3F else For Each, Btn In StrSplit(Buttons, ["|", " ", ",", "`n"]) BTNS |= (B := TDBTNS[Btn]) ? B : 0 ICO := (I := TDICON[Icon]) ? 0x10000 - I : 0 if Icon Is Integer if ((Icon & 0xFFFF) <> Icon) ; caller presumably passed HICON ICO := Icon if (Icon = "Question") ICO := HQUESTION if (ICO > 0xFFFF) Flags |= TDF.HICON_MAIN AOT := Parent < 0 ? !(Parent := 0) : False ; AlwaysOnTop ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PTitle := A_IsUnicode ? &Title : TaskDialogToUnicode(Title, WTitle) PMain := A_IsUnicode ? &Main : TaskDialogToUnicode(Main, WMain) PExtra := Extra = "" ? 0 : A_IsUnicode ? &Extra : TaskDialogToUnicode(Extra, WExtra) VarSetCapacity(TDC, TDCSize, 0) ; TASKDIALOGCONFIG structure NumPut(TDCSize, TDC, "UInt") NumPut(Parent, TDC, OffParent, "Ptr") NumPut(BTNS, TDC, OffBtns, "Int") NumPut(PTitle, TDC, OffTitle, "Ptr") NumPut(ICO, TDC, OffIcon, "Ptr") NumPut(PMain, TDC, OffMain, "Ptr") NumPut(PExtra, TDC, OffExtra, "Ptr") if (AOT) || (TimeOut > 0) { if (TimeOut > 0) { Flags |= TDF.CALLBACK_TIMER TimeOut := Round(Timeout * 1000) } TD := {AOT: AOT, Timeout: Timeout} NumPut(TDCB, TDC, OffCB, "Ptr") NumPut(&TD, TDC, OffCBData, "Ptr") } NumPut(Flags, TDC, OffFlags, "UInt") if (Width > 0) NumPut(Width * 4 / DBUX, TDC, OffWidth, "UInt") if !(RV := DllCall("Comctl32.dll\TaskDialogIndirect", "Ptr", &TDC, "IntP", Result, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "UInt")) return TD.TimedOut ? -1 : Result ErrorLevel := "The call of TaskDialogIndirect() failed!`nreturn value: " . RV . "`nLast error: " . A_LastError return 0 } ; ================================================================================?====================================== ; Call this function once passing 1/True if you want a MsgBox to be displayed instead of the task dialog on Win XP. ; ================================================================================?====================================== TaskDialogUseMsgBoxOnXP(UseIt := "") { Static UseMsgBox := False if (UseIt <> "") UseMsgBox := !!UseIt return UseMsgBox } ; ================================================================================?====================================== ; Internally used functions ; ================================================================================?====================================== TaskDialogMsgBox(Main, Extra, Title := "", Buttons := 0, Icon := 0, Parent := 0, TimeOut := 0) { Static MBICON := {1: 0x30, 2: 0x10, 3: 0x40, WARN: 0x30, ERROR: 0x10, INFO: 0x40, QUESTION: 0x20} , TDBTNS := {OK: 1, YES: 2, NO: 4, CANCEL: 8, RETRY: 16} BTNS := 0 if Buttons Is Integer BTNS := Buttons & 0x1F else For Each, Btn In StrSplit(Buttons, ["|", " ", ",", "`n"]) BTNS |= (B := TDBTNS[Btn]) ? B : 0 Options := 0 Options |= (I := MBICON[Icon]) ? I : 0 Options |= Parent = -1 ? 262144 : Parent > 0 ? 8192 : 0 if ((BTNS & 14) = 14) Options |= 0x03 ; Yes/No/Cancel else if ((BTNS & 6) = 6) Options |= 0x04 ; Yes/No else if ((BTNS & 24) = 24) Options |= 0x05 ; Retry/Cancel else if ((BTNS & 9) = 9) Options |= 0x01 ; OK/Cancel Main .= Extra <> "" ? "`n`n" . Extra : "" MsgBox, % Options, %Title%, %Main%, %TimeOut% IfMsgBox, OK return 1 IfMsgBox, Cancel return 2 IfMsgBox, Retry return 4 IfMsgBox, Yes return 6 IfMsgBox, No return 7 IfMsgBox, TimeOut return -1 return 0 } ; ================================================================================?====================================== TaskDialogToUnicode(String, ByRef Var) { VarSetCapacity(Var, StrPut(String, "UTF-16") * 2, 0) StrPut(String, &Var, "UTF-16") return &Var } ; ================================================================================?====================================== TaskDialogCallback(H, N, W, L, D) { Static TDM_Click_BUTTON := 0x0466 , TDN_CREATED := 0 , TDN_TIMER := 4 TD := Object(D) if (N = TDN_TIMER) && (W > TD.Timeout) { TD.TimedOut := True PostMessage, %TDM_Click_BUTTON%, 2, 0, , ahk_id %H% ; IDCANCEL = 2 } else if (N = TDN_CREATED) && TD.AOT { DHW := A_DetectHiddenWindows DetectHiddenWindows, On WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, ahk_id %H% DetectHiddenWindows, %DHW% } return 0 } LoadIcon(FullFilePath, IconNumber := 1, LargeIcon := 1) { HIL := IL_Create(1, 1, !!LargeIcon) IL_Add(HIL, FullFilePath, IconNumber) HICON := DllCall("Comctl32.dll\ImageList_GetIcon", "Ptr", HIL, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0, "UPtr") IL_Destroy(HIL) return HICON } GuiButtonIcon(Handle, File, Index := 1, Options := "") { RegExMatch(Options, "i)w\K\d+", W), (W="") ? W := 16 : RegExMatch(Options, "i)h\K\d+", H), (H="") ? H := 16 : RegExMatch(Options, "i)s\K\d+", S), S ? W := H := S : RegExMatch(Options, "i)l\K\d+", L), (L="") ? L := 0 : RegExMatch(Options, "i)t\K\d+", T), (T="") ? T := 0 : RegExMatch(Options, "i)r\K\d+", R), (R="") ? R := 0 : RegExMatch(Options, "i)b\K\d+", B), (B="") ? B := 0 : RegExMatch(Options, "i)a\K\d+", A), (A="") ? A := 4 : Psz := A_PtrSize = "" ? 4 : A_PtrSize, DW := "UInt", Ptr := A_PtrSize = "" ? DW : "Ptr" VarSetCapacity( button_il, 20 + Psz, 0 ) NumPut( normal_il := DllCall( "ImageList_Create", DW, W, DW, H, DW, 0x21, DW, 1, DW, 1 ), button_il, 0, Ptr ) ; Width & Height NumPut( L, button_il, 0 + Psz, DW ) ; Left Margin NumPut( T, button_il, 4 + Psz, DW ) ; Top Margin NumPut( R, button_il, 8 + Psz, DW ) ; Right Margin NumPut( B, button_il, 12 + Psz, DW ) ; Bottom Margin NumPut( A, button_il, 16 + Psz, DW ) ; Alignment SendMessage, BCM_SETIMAGELIST := 5634, 0, &button_il,, AHK_ID %Handle% return IL_Add( normal_il, File, Index ) }
😛 非常喜欢这个工具,让我快速地建好msgbox,感谢啦!