#SingleInstance, Force
#NoEnv ; somewhat ironic...
;Thinkai添加命令行 命令行仅添加进path,不是覆盖
if 0 = 0
; this won't work in vista/7 if it's not run as an administrator.
; i'm too lazy to request it manually so the easiest way is to
; compile this script, and then under Compatibility tab in the
; compiled exe's Properties select "Run as Administrator"
RegRead, P, HKLM, SYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerEnvironment, PATH
Gui, +Delimiter`;
width := 400
Gui, Add, Text, w%width%, Double Click an entry to modify it. Click Add to make a new entry and Delete to remove the selected entry.
Gui, Add, ListBox, vSysPath w%width% r8 +0x100 gEditEntry AltSubmit, %P%
Gui, Font, s12
Gui, Add, Button, gNew w70 section , New
Gui, Add, Button, gDelete w70 ys xs+74 , Delete
Gui, Add, Button, gExit w70 ys xs+330, Cancel
Gui, Add, Button, gSubmit w70 ys xp-74, Submit
Gui, Show, , SysEnv -- Change System Environment Variable
addpath = %1%
RegRead, oldpath, HKLM, SYSTEMControlSet001ControlSession ManagerEnvironment, Path
RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKLM, SYSTEMControlSet001ControlSession ManagerEnvironment, Path, %oldpath%;%addpath%
RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKLM, SYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerEnvironment, Path, %oldpath%;%addpath%
SendMessage, 0x1A, 0,"Environment",, ahk_id 0xFFFF
if (a_guievent == "DoubleClick" && a_eventinfo) {
Gui +OwnDialogs
RegExMatch(P, "P)^(?:(?[^;]*)(?:;|$)){" a_eventinfo "}", _)
_En := IB( "Edit PATH entry", substr(P, _PosE, _LenE))
if (ErrorLevel == 0)
if (InStr(FileExist(ExpEnv(_En)),"D"))
rP := substr(P, 1, _PosE-1) _En (_PosE+_LenE+1 0 ? ";" : "") add
GuiControl, , SysPath, `;%P%
GuiControlGet, entry, , SysPath
if (entry) {
Gui, +OwnDialogs
MsgBox, 4, SysEnv -- Confirm, Remove entry #%entry% from PATH?
IfMsgBox Yes
RegExMatch(P, "P)^(?:(?[^;]*)(?:;|$)){" entry "}", _)
P := SubStr(P, 1, max(_PosE-2,0)) (_PosE+_LenE+1 b ? a : b
ExpEnv(str) {
; by Lexikos: http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=327849#327849
if sz:=DllCall("ExpandEnvironmentStrings", "uint", &str, "uint", 0, "uint", 0)
VarSetCapacity(dst, A_IsUnicode ? sz*2:sz)
if DllCall("ExpandEnvironmentStrings", "uint", &str, "str", dst, "uint", sz)
return dst
return ""