myUdpOut := new udp() ;新的udp对象 ;Erstelle ein neues udp-Objekt 'myUdpOut'
myUdpOut.connect("", 8000) ;对方IP和端口 ;client ip and port
hex_str := "ef010100ffffffffffff0100800100009c95" ;十六进制流
length := StrLen(hex_str)/2 ;多少字节
VarSetCapacity(buff,length,0) ;申请内存
loop % length
NumPut("0x" SubStr(hex_str,A_index*2-1,2), &buff, A_index-1, "UChar") ;按字节写入十六进制到内存
myUdpOut.sendBinary(&buff, length) ;发送二进制数据
;; -------------------------------------------------
;; with thanks to Bentschi for udp class
class udp
this.__protocolId := 17 ;IPPROTO_UDP
this.__socketType := 2 ;SOCK_DGRAM
this.socket := -1
bind(host, port)
if ((this.socket!=-1) || (!(next := __nw_getaddrinfo(host, port))))
return 0
while (next)
sockaddrlen := NumGet(next+0, 16, "uint")
sockaddr := NumGet(next+0, 16+(2*A_PtrSize), "ptr")
if ((this.socket := DllCall("ws2_32\socket", "int", NumGet(next+0, 4, "int"), "int", this.__socketType, "int", this.__protocolId, "ptr"))!=-1)
if (DllCall("ws2_32\bind", "ptr", this.socket, "ptr", sockaddr, "uint", sockaddrlen, "int")=0)
return 1
next := NumGet(next+0, 16+(3*A_PtrSize), "ptr")
this.lastError := DllCall("ws2_32\WSAGetLastError")
return 0
connect(host, port)
if ((this.socket!=-1) || (!(next := __nw_getaddrinfo(host, port))))
return 0
while (next)
sockaddrlen := NumGet(next+0, 16, "uint")
sockaddr := NumGet(next+0, 16+(2*A_PtrSize), "ptr")
if ((this.socket := DllCall("ws2_32\socket", "int", NumGet(next+0, 4, "int"), "int", this.__socketType, "int", this.__protocolId, "ptr"))!=-1)
if ((r := DllCall("ws2_32\WSAConnect", "ptr", this.socket, "ptr", sockaddr, "uint", sockaddrlen, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "int"))=0)
return 1
next := NumGet(next+0, 16+(3*A_PtrSize), "ptr")
this.lastError := DllCall("ws2_32\WSAGetLastError")
return 0
DllCall("ws2_32\closesocket", "ptr", this.socket, "int")
this.socket := -1 ;INVALID_SOCKET
return 1
VarSetCapacity(optval, 4, 0)
NumPut(1, optval, 0, "uint")
if (DllCall("ws2_32\setsockopt", "ptr", this.socket, "int", 0xFFFF, "int", 0x0020, Ptr, &optval, "int", 4)=0)
return 1
return 0
VarSetCapacity(optval, 4, 0)
if (DllCall("ws2_32\setsockopt", "ptr", this.socket, "int", 0xFFFF, "int", 0x0020, Ptr, &optval, "int", 4)=0)
return 1
return 0
VarSetCapacity(argp, 4, 0)
if (DllCall("ws2_32\ioctlsocket", "ptr", this.socket, "uint", 0x4004667F, "ptr", &argp)!=0)
return 0
return NumGet(argp, 0, "int")
sendBinary(addr, length)
if ((r := DllCall("ws2_32\send", "ptr", this.socket, "ptr", addr, "int", length, "int", 0, "int"))<=0)
return 0
return r
send(msg, encoding="UTF-8")
VarSetCapacity(buffer, length := (StrPut(msg, encoding)*(((encoding="utf-16")||(encoding="cp1200")) ? 2 : 1)))
StrPut(msg, &buffer, encoding)
return this.sendBinary(&buffer, length)
recvBinary(byref buffer, wait=1)
while ((wait) && ((length := this.msgSize())=0))
sleep, 50
if (length)
VarSetCapacity(buffer, length)
if ((r := DllCall("ws2_32\recv", "ptr", this.socket, "ptr", &buffer, "int", length, "int", 0))<=0)
return 0
return r
return 0
recv(wait=1, encoding="UTF-8")
if (length := this.recvBinary(buffer, wait))
return StrGet(&buffer, length, encoding)
this.__onRecv := callback
return __nw_eventProc("register", 1, this, 0)
static init
if (!init)
DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "ws2_32", "ptr")
VarSetCapacity(wsadata, 394+A_PtrSize)
DllCall("ws2_32\WSAStartup", "ushort", 0x0000, "ptr", &wsadata)
DllCall("ws2_32\WSAStartup", "ushort", NumGet(wsadata, 2, "ushort"), "ptr", &wsadata)
init := 1
__nw_getAddrInfo(host, port)
if host in localhost,addr_loopback,inaddr_loopback
host := ""
else if host in addr_any,inaddr_any
host := ""
else if host in addr_broadcast,inaddr_broadcast,addr_none,inaddr_none
host := ""
else if host in localhost6,addr_loopback6,inaddr_loopback6
host := "::1"
else if host in addr_any6,inaddr_any6
host := "::"
else if host in addr_broadcast6,inaddr_broadcast6,addr_none6,inaddr_none6
host := "FF00::"
VarSetCapacity(hints, 16+(4*A_PtrSize), 0)
NumPut(this.__inetType, hints, 4, "int")
NumPut(this.__socketType, hints, 8, "int")
NumPut(this.__protocolId, hints, 12, "int")
if ((r := DllCall("ws2_32\getaddrinfo", "astr", host, "astr", port, "ptr", &hints, "ptr*", next))!=0)
this.lastError := DllCall("ws2_32\WSAGetLastError")
return 0
return next
__nw_eventProc(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd)
if (wParam="register")
if (!init)
OnMessage(0x9987, A_ThisFunc)
Gui, +LastFound
hMsgWnd := WinExist()
array := Object()
init := 1
return (DllCall("ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect", "ptr", msg.socket, "ptr", hMsgWnd, "uint", 0x9987, "uint", lParam)=0) ? 1 : 0
found := 0
for i,element in array
if (element.socket = wParam)
this := element
found := 1
if (!found)
return 0
func := ""
if ((lParam & 0xFFFF) = 1)
func := this.__OnRecv
else if ((lParam & 0xFFFF) = 8)
func := this.__OnAccept
else if ((lParam & 0xFFFF) = 32)
func := this.__OnDisconnect
if (IsFunc(func))
return %func%(this)
return 0